Saturday, December 6, 2008

HBO week 1

Here's the deal, this is how I explain non-activity on this blog - I've been feeling rather nostalgic about those precise writing exercises we used to do in High school, where you compress the paragraph to 1/3rd the original keeping the meaning intact. Therefore, hence and So, I've been trying to do something of that sort with the experience of week 1.

Right, that's just an escapism tactic, and what I really need to say is that lazy me is using the excuse of other subjects to not yet do a session by session lowdown of what happened in class. However, to sum up the experience of Week 1, here's an upload of a scanned letter from Prof. Sunny Coloma.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Take 1 - the Basics

This blog is actually a Take 2 (or wait, is that a Take 4, if you consider my other dormant blogs) to blogging. This week, at AIM, we were introduced to the joys of unlimited yapping in class - HBO or Human Behavior in Organizations class. Therefore, hence and so - Here's an extension to all that yapping (and also course requirement; Heh), and also for me to look back in time, say 5 years from now what I was then (or now?)

I also promise the sentences will be lower on the weirdness quotient in the forthcoming posts :-)